Great tips for keto beginners part 1

Great tips for keto beginners

 Experienced keto peeps please chime in! 

1) Initial weightloss is mostly water and bloating, which is fine. The water comes from reducing carbs, but also from reducing inflammation around the body. Your clothes will fit great. You look and feel better. 

2) Getting into ketosis (fat burning) takes a few days, sometimes a week. Initially, once you're in ketosis, your body still prefers glucose for fuel. You may feel cravings for sugar or bread. If you eat too many carbs, you'll fall out of ketosis and begin to burn sugar. Geting back into ketosis may take a few days to a week.

3) Being in ketosis feels awesome! Lots of energy, not so hungry, a lot less cravings, better sleep... the list goes on! Go to the Google machine for guides on how to tell if you're in ketosis. For me, the biggest thing is, I could go all morning without eating a thing. No hunger, no cravings. 

4) You don't need any special items. Food, water and salt are necessary at the bare minimum. I'll post about taking ketones or keto pills later. 

5) You don't need to limit your eating right away. Naturally you'll find yourself less hungry and eating fewer times a day. Listen to your body. Try not to emotionally eat, stress eat, boredom eat, etc. Those habits don't serve you. 

6) It takes between 4 weeks and 3 months to become fat adapted. Fat adapted means that your body prefers to use fat for energy over glucose. The cravings will stop completly. If you do eat off plan, you can get back into ketosis easier, bc your body prefers that. 

7) You will probably stall. Big time. It will happen the first or 2nd month. You will think it's not working any more. This is your body adjusting to fat burning. It's new and needs time to learn. Stick with it. Use this time to get good at listening to your body. How many times a day to eat is right for you? How much water do you need to drink? Are you incorporating intermittent fasting? Are there some foods that trigger disordered eating? Don't worry about the stall. It just means your body is taking a little longer to become fat adapted. So when you ask yourself, "Why am I not losing weight?" You'll have an answer. 

8) Keto lifestyle is not for everyone. If you give it a real go for say 3 months, and you are still struggling then ask yourself some questions about what would make you feel good. Every body is so different and there is no one size fits all method. 

💟 I hope this is helpful to newbies. 
